Friday, September 26, 2008

Um, so…

Um, so…

I was supposed to write here every day. Oops! But in my defense, there was a hurricane and stuff. If you can avoid a hurricane, I highly recommend it. I really can’t bitch too much. My friends and family all came out safe and whole. My power was out for slightly less than a week. I got to miss three days of work for what mostly seemed like a family camping trip.

Now I am back at work. Things are back to normal. Well, mostly normal. I mean, I am *me* and all and attract abnormality like free beer attracts frat boys. So I’ve reached normal levels of abnormality and all is right with the world.


Confession: I don’t really know what is supposed to go here. I could write about how my Novel is coming along (zero words today!), but that’s boring and absolutely of no interest to anyone except my most die hard fans, of which I have zero.

So… I’ll probably write about my life, or at least the highlight reel. I mean, do you really need to know what I had for lunch (roast beef sandwich with horseradish mayo and lots ‘o pickles) or whether or not Asian Hottie Guy gave me the eye in the elevator this morning (he did not, he instead gazed lovingly at his iPhone the whole time)?

I’ll probably post some flash fiction and some random thoughts on trashy television (best Big Brother winner EVAR!!!!). Perhaps I’ll post some restaurant reviews, navel gaze, break into free form poetry, who knows?

Stay tuned…

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